
Tarot cards are perhaps the most recognizable form of divination the world over. Like runes, bones, crystal balls, and even the weather Tarot enables the practitioner, traditionally called the reader, to impart messages to
Tarot cards are perhaps the most recognizable form of divination the world over. Like runes, bones, crystal balls, and even the weather Tarot enables the practitioner, traditionally called the reader, to impart messages to the person seeking answers using the placement or “fall” of the cards from a randomly shuffled deck. It is a common and incorrect belief that Tarot tells your future. It certainly can predict events that will come to pass if the person receiving answers makes no changes to their life’s current trajectory, but the messages the Tarot imparts go far beyond---or rather far deeper---than mere fortunetelling. The Tarot cards get in touch with our unconscious mind, as well as our Higher Self and spirit guides, and provide them all with a voice to reveal that information which is most important to the individual at this moment in time and space. The answers are not always pleasant or comforting, but they are always true.
I have been reading the Tarot since I was fourteen years old, wandered up to a stranger in a park, and started interpreting the cards she had spread out across a picnic table, having never seen Tarot cards before in my life. It is a gift and a skill, and I have honed both for twenty years. I tell the truth in my readings. Be prepared for that when booking a reading with me.

Reiki is an energy healing technique that has its origins in Japan. The practitioner draws down energy from the universe---some say from God or Spirit itself---and channels it through their hands into the receiving
Reiki is an energy healing technique that has its origins in Japan. The practitioner draws down energy from the universe---some say from God or Spirit itself---and channels it through their hands into the receiving individual’s body to accomplish emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. The real-time effects of Reiki on the body are as unique as the individual. Some common experiences include feeling warmth, tingling, or coolness in and around the body as the practitioner directs the energy to specific systems, organs or, in the case of emotional healing work, the source of pain or trauma. Some people fall asleep and wake up after a Reiki session totally refreshed, having no idea they lost consciousness. Other individuals can experience more intense mystical inner journeys where past lives are glimpsed or spirit guides reveal themselves. There are scientific studies which demonstrate Reiki’s ability to accelerate the body’s natural healing processes, though Reiki should not be used in lieu of prescribed medical treatment for any disease or ailment. It is a powerful, complementary therapy that transforms the energy that surrounds us into a targeted tool for self-improvement.
Reiki can be performed in person or remotely, for the energy of the universe knows no boundaries.

Human Design
Human Design, also known as the Science of Differentiation, is a modern tool for self-mastery that combines the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah, the I-Ching, numerology, astrology, astrophysics, and the Hindu-
Human Design
What is Human Design?
Human Design, also known as the Science of Differentiation, is a modern tool for self-mastery that combines the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah, the I-Ching, numerology, astrology, astrophysics, and the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system into an individualized psycho-somatic profile that is wholly unique to you. Regardless of what culture we come from, we are expected to behave in accordance with that society’s accepted rules and expectations. There is little room for individuation, and as a result we exist in a world full of people living inauthentic, unfulfilling lives. Human Design reveals your unique energetic blueprint and gives you practical strategies for conducting work, relationships, and personal growth in ways most likely to benefit you, the individual. You will wish you had known this information sooner.

Hypnosis is a tool to communicate messages directly to your unconscious mind in order to effect changes in your conscious reality. Through guided meditation, focused on relaxing the body systems one at a time,
Hypnosis is a tool to communicate messages directly to your unconscious mind in order to effect changes in your conscious reality. Through guided meditation, focused on relaxing the body systems one at a time, the client enters a semi-waking state called “trance” during which the practitioner converses with the client, verbally repeating the messages agreed-upon beforehand and embedding them in the client’s unconscious mind. As the unconscious mind is unaware of constructs such as time, the conscious mind begins immediately to put the suggested programming into practice, whether it be the desire to quit smoking, the motivation to exercise, or the peace of greater self-confidence and esteem.
You can find me on the American Medical Association’s list of certified, practicing hypnotherapists.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Sometimes, as a result of previous talk therapy sessions or simple self-awareness, you already know what it is that is holding you back in life but just can’t seem to push past it. NLP is a targeted tool to change a specific
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Sometimes, as a result of previous talk therapy sessions or simple self-awareness, you already know what it is that is holding you back in life but just can’t seem to push past it. NLP is a targeted tool to change a specific behavior, limiting belief, or a habit that no longer serves you. Using a combination of (streamlined-) talk therapy and visualization, the practitioner helps the client to “swap out” the undesired behavior, belief, or habit for a new, desired one instantaneously. NLP can be used alone or in conjunction with other therapies to alter trigger responses and behaviors that result from them, change the way you identify with yourself and your surroundings, reprogram limiting beliefs to success-oriented ones, reduce cravings and vice behaviors, and much more. If you trust the process, changes that result from an NLP session are immediate and permanent.

T.I.M.E. Techniques
T.I.M.E. techniques are another tool that utilizes the connection between the unconscious and conscious minds to identify, “unplug”, and ultimately release unresolved traumas, phobias, and negative emotions at their root.
T.I.M.E. Techniques
T.I.M.E. Techniques
T.I.M.E. techniques are another tool that utilizes the connection between the unconscious and conscious minds to identify, “unplug”, and ultimately release unresolved traumas, phobias, and negative emotions at their root. Using guided visualization of your life as a timeline, the practitioner helps the client “travel” backwards in time to the source of the problem---even if the problem preceded your birth----reflect on and replace the problem with new insight and learning, and then move forward along your life’s timeline, replacing old triggers with new, unique learnings that enable you to respond and behave differently when you encounter the same problem in the future. Years of anger, shame, guilt, sadness, and pain can be easily released and replaced with powerful coping strategies that become your new, natural response. If you have been working with a therapist on a single issue for a significant period of time without resolution, T.I.M.E. techniques can provide the breakthrough you need.

The modalities on this website are the primary services I offer as a Lightworker but they are by no means the limit of my aptitude and skills. I casually mention “folk magic” in my biography; that is not a fulsome description of
The modalities on this website are the primary services I offer as a Lightworker but they are by no means the limit of my aptitude and skills. I casually mention “folk magic” in my biography; that is not a fulsome description of my personal spiritual practice. I believe in the indomitable power of the human will, as well as the mind, and I believe that there is “more betwixt Heaven and Earth” as the saying goes. For select clients who seek a different kind of aid, I offer other, less common services like space cleansing, quantum healing and integration, and personal ritual consultation to name a few. There is no menu for these services and pricing is very individual. If I determine during our work together that you are in need of something I can offer in this regard I will let you know.

Life & Success Coaching
A Life and Success Coach is concerned with only one thing: guiding you towards manifesting the goals you set for yourself. They hold you accountable, fan your flame, and gently help you remove obstacles, real
Life & Success Coaching
Life & Success Coaching
A Life and Success Coach is concerned with only one thing: guiding you towards manifesting the goals you set for yourself. They hold you accountable, fan your flame, and gently help you remove obstacles, real and perceived, that stand between you and your desired life outcomes. Think of them as cheerleaders with wisdom.
I chose not to pursue a traditional Western therapy degree primarily because I identify myself first and foremost as a spiritualist. Since I discovered my intuitive gift at fourteen years old I have viewed the world through a different lens and engaged with it using techniques and modalities many describe as “mystical”. Divination, Reiki, Human Design---and yes, even a bit of good old fashioned folk magic---have proven effective tools for me to navigate this mortal coil and I believe in their efficacy. As an adult I chose to pursue certification in Life and Success Coaching, which included four transformative psychotherapeutic techniques that I practice with my clients, to complement my natural skill set and enrich my holistic approach to healing. As a traditional Western therapist I could not integrate spiritual modalities into my practice, even though, in my estimation, they are more effective than talk therapy alone in achieving therapeutic outcomes. Western medicine’s disregard for the spiritual side of healing dooms many clients to see the same therapist for the same issues indefinitely. My objective as a Life and Success Coach is to help my clients heal once and for all, achieve their goals and dreams, and ultimately put myself out of a job.
As one of my coaching clients you will have full, unlimited access to all of the services I offer on this website---as well as a few that are not. I offer multiple packages, all of them individualized for you and your specific objectives, as well as flexible pricing and payment plans for those who qualify.

Holistic Therapy
Western psychological medicine doesn’t work for everyone. The traditional talk therapy model, with its primary focus on identifying and quantifying trauma, is outdated. The main focus of any therapeutic encounter should
Life & Success Coaching
Holistic Therapy:
Western psychological medicine doesn’t work for everyone. The traditional talk therapy model, with its primary focus on identifying and quantifying trauma, is outdated. The main focus of any therapeutic encounter should be healing and moving forward. The mind doesn’t differentiate between the traumatic event in your past and the revived—and relived—version of it that occurs every time it’s discussed. Identifying the source of trauma is useful, but at some point, talking about it repeatedly becomes counterproductive, as it reinforces both the presence and the impact of the trauma over and over again. Traditional talk therapy is also almost wholly scientific in its approach, which is great for experimental and academic purposes but can miss the mark when the problem is spiritual in nature.
The danger here is that western therapists can repeatedly—though inadvertently—retraumatize patients through talk therapy sessions that sometimes span years, while dismissing—again through no fault of their own scientific biases—the spiritual needs that lie at the core of most traumatic events. This can fix patients in a state of psycho-emotional permanency that results in a “therapy loop” that never reaches a healthy, healing outcome.
That is not to say that talking about the problem doesn’t help. It certainly does, but that needs to be the first and swiftest step on the road to true healing.
My own holistic practice lies squarely at this intersection of science and spirit and combines talk therapy, spiritual modalities, and evidence-based psychotherapy techniques to assist my clients in shifting their lives in dramatic, tangible, and lasting ways. I employ all of the modalities listed on this website—and a few that are not—to help them confront unresolved emotional traumas, release limiting beliefs and false programming, and change unwanted behaviors. I offer my holistic therapeutic services both as individual sessions and bundled packages, all of which can be found on this site’s menu.
*Holistic Therapy w/ Lion’s Light Worker Services requires the scheduling of a connection consultation and the completion of an intake form which can be found here:
Mentorship and Life Coaching
Mentorship and Life Coaching
Impact Session: 1 hr
An intensive 1-1 coaching session that serves to create clarity, peace and a plan to get and keep you moving in the right direction. *Follow-up sessions for any prior consultations and readings will be booked as Impact Sessions.
Life Coaching: 1
A structured 1-1 coaching series over 4 weeks that examines your life circumstances holistically and assists you in laying the groundwork for general self-improvement.
For 1 on 1 Coaching and the Breakthrough package, please fill out this form.
The Breakthrough Package: 3 months (1-1 weekly coaching)
Are you ready to shift your paradigm and change your reality? Have you been struggling with shadow work? Do you want to live a life more closely aligned with your soul’s purpose? Are you ready to break through? Sorry, but there is no secret formula to be had for this from anyone. (The ancient alchemists called it “The Great Work” for good reason). Newness threatens the ego, whose primary job it is to keep the current version of you unchanged. To truly transform yourself you must unlearn false truths, accept your shadow side and embrace it, accept evidence that contradicts your ego, learn new patterns of being, and own it all with bravery and grace. This package includes 3 months of weekly 1-1 sessions with me using all my modalities to help you break with that which no longer serves you and guide you through your own unique Great Work.
Impact Session: 1 hr
An intensive 1-1 coaching session that serves to create clarity, peace and a plan to get and keep you moving in the right direction. *Follow-up sessions for any prior consultations and readings will be booked as Impact Sessions.
Life Coaching: 1
A structured 1-1 coaching series over 4 weeks that examines your life circumstances holistically and assists you in laying the groundwork for general self-improvement.
For 1 on 1 Coaching and the Breakthrough package, please fill out this form.
The Breakthrough Package: 3 months (1-1 weekly coaching)
Are you ready to shift your paradigm and change your reality? Have you been struggling with shadow work? Do you want to live a life more closely aligned with your soul’s purpose? Are you ready to break through? Sorry, but there is no secret formula to be had for this from anyone. (The ancient alchemists called it “The Great Work” for good reason). Newness threatens the ego, whose primary job it is to keep the current version of you unchanged. To truly transform yourself you must unlearn false truths, accept your shadow side and embrace it, accept evidence that contradicts your ego, learn new patterns of being, and own it all with bravery and grace.
This package includes 3 months of weekly 1-1 sessions with me using all my modalities to help you break with that which no longer serves you and guide you through your own unique Great Work.
Impact Session: 1 hr
An intensive 1-1 coaching session that serves to create clarity, peace and a plan to get and keep you moving in the right direction. *Follow-up sessions for any prior consultations and readings will be booked as Impact Sessions.
Life Coaching: 1
A structured 1-1 coaching series over 4 weeks that examines your life circumstances holistically and assists you in laying the groundwork for general self-improvement.
The Breakthrough Package: 3 months (1-1 weekly coaching)
Are you ready to shift your paradigm and change your reality? Have you been struggling with shadow work? Do you want to live a life more closely aligned with your soul’s purpose? Are you ready to break through? Sorry, but there is no secret formula to be had for this from anyone. (The ancient alchemists called it “The Great Work” for good reason). Newness threatens the ego, whose primary job it is to keep the current version of you unchanged. To truly transform yourself you must unlearn false truths, accept your shadow side and embrace it, accept evidence that contradicts your ego, learn new patterns of being, and own it all with bravery and grace. This package includes 3 months of weekly 1-1 sessions with me using all my modalities to help you break with that which no longer serves you and guide you through your own unique Great Work.
For 1 on 1 Coaching and the Breakthrough package, please fill out this form.