


Tarot cards are perhaps the most recognizable form of divination the world over. Like runes, bones, crystal balls, and even the weather Tarot enables the practitioner, traditionally called the reader, to impart messages to


Reiki is an energy healing technique that has its origins in Japan. The practitioner draws down energy from the universe---some say from God or Spirit itself---and channels it through their hands into the receiving

Human Design

Human Design, also known as the Science of Differentiation, is a modern tool for self-mastery that combines the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah, the I-Ching, numerology, astrology, astrophysics, and the Hindu-


Hypnosis is a tool to communicate messages directly to your unconscious mind in order to effect changes in your conscious reality. Through guided meditation, focused on relaxing the body systems one at a time,

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Sometimes, as a result of previous talk therapy sessions or simple self-awareness, you already know what it is that is holding you back in life but just can’t seem to push past it. NLP is a targeted tool to change a specific

T.I.M.E. Techniques

T.I.M.E. techniques are another tool that utilizes the connection between the unconscious and conscious minds to identify, “unplug”, and ultimately release unresolved traumas, phobias, and negative emotions at their root.


The modalities on this website are the primary services I offer as a Lightworker but they are by no means the limit of my aptitude and skills. I casually mention “folk magic” in my biography; that is not a fulsome description of

Life & Success Coaching

A Life and Success Coach is concerned with only one thing: guiding you towards manifesting the goals you set for yourself. They hold you accountable, fan your flame, and gently help you remove obstacles, real

Holistic Therapy

Western psychological medicine doesn’t work for everyone. The traditional talk therapy model, with its primary focus on identifying and quantifying trauma, is outdated. The main focus of any therapeutic encounter should

Meet Your Light Worker, Xavier

Xavier Robinson Frye

I am a spiritual guide, holistic therapist, and private coach passionate about helping individuals achieve their personal and professional goals. I bring expertise to my practice through NLP-, hypnotherapy-, TIME techniques-, and life and success coaching certifications from the OM Institute. My unique therapeutic approach combines the spiritual with the scientific, providing a balanced, comprehensive roadmap to self-improvement.

Whether you need guidance on your spiritual path, support in overcoming personal challenges, or assistance in fulfilling professional aspirations, I help you navigate the journey with compassion, clarity, and effective psychotherapeutic modalities. As a spiritual guide, I help you connect with your higher self and discover your true purpose. As a holistic therapist, I take a mind-body-spirit approach to address the root causes of your challenges and help you heal and overcome them. As a life and success coach, I develop individualized strategies to transform your life and realize your maximum potential.

Whether you aim to heal from trauma, enhance relationships, attain greater happiness, crush professional goals, grow spiritually, or a combination of all of these, I support your every step.

I look forward to working with you and helping you bring out the best version of yourself.

Meet Your Light Worker, Xavier

My name is Xavier Frye, certified Life and Success Coach, neurolinguistic practitioner, hypnotherapist, Reiki master, intuitive reader, and Human Design expert. I define the therapeutic work I do with my clients as “light work”, an all-encompassing term that describes the efforts of those souls sent to Earth to promote growth, both in individual persons and the entire human collective. Lightworkers are often found in professions that heal and inspire. Educators, actors, artists, doctors, nurses, and therapists, like myself, all hold space in their own way to help people heal past traumas and embrace new growth. Their tools are many and varied. Some are strictly scientific and evidence-based, while others require a brave heart and a genuine openness of soul. In my practice I work with both, but the latter are where my unique gifts as a Lightworker lie. Using multiple modalities, many of which are described on this website, I help people transform themselves outside the traditional confines of talk therapy. Within a clear but gentle structure of discipline, accountability, and grace, I help clients identify and deprogram false beliefs about themselves, re-align with their highest purpose, and achieve lasting outcomes for their proverbial best life.

I look forward to stepping into the Light with you and helping you bring out the best and brightest version of yourself.